Neck Pain: Ignoring It Could Lead to Lasting Problems

April 07, 2024
neck pain chiropractor in Knoxville, Knoxville TN Chiropractors, Knoxville TN Chiropractic
neck pain chiropractor in Knoxville, Knoxville TN Chiropractors, Knoxville TN Chiropractic

Imagine trying to drive with a crick in your neck – glancing over your shoulder is agony, and focusing on the road feels nearly impossible. Or perhaps trying to sleep with a throbbing ache radiating from your neck into your shoulder, tossing and turning throughout the night. Maybe it's the relentless stiffness that makes concentrating at work a difficult task. If any of those sound familiar, you're not alone. Neck pain is a common and incredibly disruptive problem. It’s also the leading health complaint of people seeking out a neck pain chiropractor in Knoxville.

Are you tempted to just ignore the pain and hope it magically disappears? That might seem like the easiest path, but it's a dangerous gamble. Let's explore why ignoring neck pain could have serious consequences for your health and well-being. Also, keep reading to understand the role of Knoxville TN Chiropractors like Dr. Connor and Dr. Leigh in addressing neck pain and its accompanying symptoms.


The Consequences of Ignoring Neck Pain

While it might be tempting to brush off neck pain as a minor annoyance, this strategy can backfire.  Neck pain rarely resolves on its own, and in fact, ignoring it can lead to a cascade of problems that can significantly impact your daily life and overall health. Here are some of the concerning consequences of neglecting your neck pain:

#1. Worsening Pain and Stiffness

Over time, unaddressed neck pain tends to worsen. The initial discomfort can morph into a constant ache, accompanied by increased stiffness that restricts your range of motion.

#2. Headaches and Migraines

Tension in your neck muscles can trigger frequent headaches, and in those prone to migraines, neck pain can be a significant aggravator.

#3. Radiating Pain, Numbness, and Tingling

When nerves in your neck become compressed or irritated, you might experience pain that travels down your shoulders, arms, and into your hands. Numbness and tingling sensations are also common.

#4. Disrupted Sleep

Neck pain can make finding a comfortable sleeping position difficult, leading to a frustrating cycle of restless nights and fatigue.

#5. Difficulty with Concentration and Focus

The constant discomfort of neck pain can be incredibly distracting, affecting your ability to concentrate at work or while performing everyday tasks.

#6. Impacts on Mood and Irritability

Chronic neck pain takes a toll on your mental and emotional well-being. It's common to feel irritable, frustrated, and even depressed when battling persistent discomfort.

#7. Decreased Range of Motion

Stiffness and pain can severely limit your neck's mobility, making simple tasks like turning your head or looking up a challenge.

#8. Potential Long-term Complications

Ongoing neck issues due to unresolved problems can lead to degenerative changes in the spine, contributing to chronic pain and disability in the future.

9. Increased Accident Risk

Neck pain and limited range of motion can impact your balance and coordination. This could potentially increase your risk of falls and accidents.

10. Impact on Your Overall Well-being

Persistent neck pain drains your energy, reduces your enjoyment of activities, and diminishes your overall quality of life.


Atlas Subluxation: The Hidden Culprit

Your neck houses a complex network of bones, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels. At the very top is a uniquely shaped vertebra called the atlas (C1). Even a minor misalignment of this bone, known as an atlas subluxation, can create a ripple effect throughout your body.

An atlas subluxation can put pressure on the delicate brainstem, which serves as a vital communication pathway between your brain and body. This disruption can lead to a wide range of issues, including neck pain, even if you don't feel specific pain at the very top of your neck. Thankfully, this is what a neck pain chiropractor in Knoxville can help you with.


Why Knoxville TN Chiropractic Care Can Help

Upper Cervical Chiropractic is a specialized approach that focuses specifically on the alignment of the atlas and axis (the top two vertebrae in your neck). If a misalignment is found, Knoxville TN Chiropractors use precise and gentle adjustments designed to restore proper alignment in this critical area.

The goal of these Knoxville TN Chiropractic adjustments is to relieve pressure on the nervous system and allow your body's natural healing processes to function optimally. This can not only alleviate neck pain but also potentially improve a wide range of other health concerns related to nervous system dysfunction.

neck pain chiropractor in Knoxville, Knoxville TN Chiropractors, Knoxville TN Chiropractic

Book Your Consultation with A Neck Pain Chiropractor in Knoxville

Ignoring neck pain is a gamble with your health and well-being.  Don't let discomfort, headaches, reduced mobility, and other consequences become your normal. If you're struggling with neck pain, there may be an underlying cause that needs attention. It’s also a sign that you must schedule a consultation with a neck pain chiropractor in Knoxville.

Upper Cervical Chiropractors like Dr. Leigh and Dr. Connor offers a potential solution for those with neck pain related to atlas misalignments. Guided by imaging scans of the neck of the patient, they can pinpoint the exact location of the misalignment and obtain the measurements needed to ease the atlas bone back in place. If you're ready to explore whether this approach is right for you, our team at Transcend Chiropractic in Knoxville, TN, are here to help. Don't wait any longer – schedule an evaluation and consultation with a Knoxville TN Chiropractor and take the first step towards lasting relief.


To schedule a consultation with Transcend Chiropractic, call our Knoxville office at 865-448-7933. You can also click the button below.

If you are outside of the local area you can find an Upper Cervical Doctor near you at


Break free from pain, so you can get back to doing the things you love. 
Enjoy a brighter future, and be healthier than you ever thought possible!
Request a Consultation
Transcend Chiropractic is a chiropractic office in Knoxville, TN that specializes in a specific upper cervical chiropractic technique called NUCCA. The office was founded by Drs. Connor and Leigh Davis who work together to provide exceptional care for the community. Our gentle and specific methods are utilized for correcting the primary cause of dysfunction in the body.


3026 Tazewell Pike Knoxville, TN 37918


(865) 448-7933

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    9:00AM – 12:00PM, 2:00PM – 6:00PM
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  • Wednesday - Closed
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    9:00AM – 12:00PM, 2:00PM – 6:00PM
  • Friday 9:00AM – 1:00PM
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