

There are various types of arthritis, but the most common is osteoarthritis. It is caused by abnormal wear and tear on joints over a period of time. Osteoarthritis is often wrongly associated with age though aging and arthritis are not synonymous.

When a joint in the spinal column or anywhere in the body has been injured and/or lost its "proper position", the body reacts to heal it on its own. This healing process of taking an unstable joint and making it more stable results in bones getting closer together, soft tissue calcifying, and bone spurs developing over the course of many YEARS. This process is also known as degeneration or arthritis.

Yes, it takes years for osteoarthritis to develop therefore you don't just wake up with it one day. Though symptoms may feel sudden, the underlying problem has been building up over a period of time.

When it comes to arthritis, we take two approaches: Prevention and Relief. Once arthritis has developed, it is unlikely to go away, but preventing it from getting worse and alleviating the symptoms are realistic goals under NUCCA care.

You may also help prevent arthritis from developing by keeping the body in proper alignment and reducing the abnormal stress on the joints.

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Chronic Pain

Chronic pain can occur anywhere in the body. The severity of pain can vary from a dull annoying pain to pain that is debilitating. Some patients with chronic pain experience the symptoms episodically, meaning the pain has been coming and going for a long period of time. When left untreated, the symptoms tend to become more consistent and more complex as the underlying issue continues to develop.

Pain can prevent those who suffer from enjoying time with their family, going to work, or even performing normal day to day tasks.

Under NUCCA care, we thoroughly assess our patients to find and correct the root cause of their chronic pain. Not only are our patients able to experience relief, but they are able to heal and prevent the symptoms from coming back.

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Musculoskeletal Disorders

Musculoskeletal refers to muscles, bones, and the supportive tissue. Musculoskeletal disorders occur when there is pain or a problem with the muscles, bones or supportive tissue. Common disorders include back pain, neck pain, myalgia, arthritis, or trauma to the body.
These are all conditions that often bring patients under chiropractic care. Why? Because when the body is in proper alignment pressure is removed from nerves, abnormal stresses are removed from other tissues, and the body returns to normal function.
We use a gentle and precise approach to helping patients suffering from musculoskeletal disorders. Precision makes our care safe and effective.

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Nervous System Disorders

Nervous system disorders can range in a variety of diagnoses such as neuritis, neuralgia, neuropathy, numbness, multiple sclerosis, bell's palsy, epilepsy...etc.

Since the nervous system connects everything in the body to the brain, various systems of the body can be affected when nerves are not working right.

Our job is to optimize brain and body communication by clearing nerve irritation and interference through an advanced and precise chiropractic technique called NUCCA.

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When nerves are compressed, they often become deadened or numb. Nerves in the body give rise to the sensations that we perceive. Our nerves are what make it possible for us to identify objects based on touch alone. Nerves also provide the feeling if something is hot, cold, prickly or soft. These nerves are found throughout the body, though they can be more concentrated in some regions than others.

Since nerves are everywhere in the body, numbness can be experienced anywhere in the body. Most commonly numbness is in the arms or legs, but it can also be felt in other regions such as the face, back, or pelvic region.

The longer the nerves remain compressed, the more damage could be done to the nerves. However, correcting body alignment keeps pressure off nerves and prevents numbness from occurring in the first place.

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Fibro is described as a condition with traveling or widespread pain that can often be debilitating and prevents those that suffer with it from participating in daily activities or completing everyday tasks. The cause of fibromyalgia is not fully understood. However, many studies point to dysfunction in the central nervous system as a cause or contributing component to fibro.

The central nervous system includes the brain and spinal cord. Through a precise upper cervical correction, we ensure that the brain and spinal cord can communicate clearly without interference. This process decreases nerve irritation and has been shown to provide relief for many patients suffering from Fibromyalgia.

American Journal of Medicine published a study reporting majority of fibro patients receiving chiropractic care obtained some improvement with symptoms, and nearly half experienced great improvement.

Blunt, K., Rajwani, M., & Guerriero, R. (1997, July/August). The effectiveness of chiropractic Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 20(6).

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Trouble Sleeping

Many patients under NUCCA care report improvements in sleep even when it wasn't the primary complaint that brought them into the office. The reason why sleep improves under care can be related to many benefits of being in proper alignment. Here are a few:

  1. Decreased nerve irritation: a proper alignment opens up space around the nerves that control body function. More space for nerves equal less irritation. Less irritation means more relaxation. Dare we mention sympathetic/parasympathetic balance?
  2. Improved body function: when the brain in body can communicate fully due to proper alignment, the body starts to work optimally again. Sometimes poor sleep can be due to a physiologic process that wasn't quite right, but improves as the body heals.
  3. Improved symptoms: Pain and other symptoms may also prevent patients from finding comfort while trying to sleep. As the body makes changes due to alignment and symptoms improve, it gets easier to be more comfortable and finally get rest.

The body is designed to rest and sleep to recover from the day, heal, and build up energy. If your body is keeping you awake, may be there is something we can help you with

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There are various types of vertigo and all cases can differ in intensity, duration and frequency. Vertigo can be debilitating disrupting day to day tasks making it difficult to live any quality of life. The off-balance, instability, dizziness feeling are symptoms of dysfunction in one of three systems. Eyes, the inner ear, and the cerebellum are all responsible for our body's sense of balance and proprioception. These three systems communicate with each other and the brain through nerve connections near the brainstem.

With the complexity of vertigo, it can be tough to find an appropriate solution. NUCCA has been shown to be a non-invasive and effective apprach for vertigo. Working near the base of the skull and thereby the brainstem, the NUCCA procedure is precise, and gently preformed to optimize the neural canal restoring brain to body connection and promoting natural healing.

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Tension Headaches

Most tension headaches feel like a band tightening around the head from the base of the skull to the forehead. They can be triggered by a variety of factors including dehydration, poor posture, stress, neck and jaw issues.

NUCCA is a great way to find relief of tension headaches and correct the underlying issue. With a precise and gentle correction localized at the base of the skull and top of the neck. Muscles around the head and neck relax appropriately decreasing extra tension and restoring proper balance.

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Neck Pain

The neck is an amazing structure in the human body with a large range of mobility in nearly every direction and it houses major blood vessels leading to the brain as well as the primary pathway of the central nervous system.

When there is pain in this region, the body is calling for help!

This is where we come in. As NUCCA practitioners, we understand the ins and outs of the neck. Our technique is precise and gentle working to restore body balance and remove nerve irritation.

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Back Pain

Many people experience back pain relief through chiropractic! Though we can help with much much more, it is not a problem to neglect...

According to the journal of Neuroscience, the BRAIN may AGE up to 20 times faster than normal for those who suffer from chronic BACK PAIN.Apkarian, A.. Journal of Neuroscience. Nov. 2004, 24 (46) 10410-10415

Our approach to back pain is gentle and precise. Listen to your body and take care of it. If the cause is not corrected, the underlying issue will always be there while symptoms may come and go.

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One of the reasons our doctors specialize in NUCCA is the success in helping patients with migraines and headaches.

Adjustments of the cervical spine were found to be "superior" in terms of reducing frequency, and intensity and improving functional status of patients when compared to standard medical treatments.

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Asthma & Allergies

His chronic disease affects approximately 30 million people in the U.S.. The pathophysiology involves airway inflammation, intermittent airflow obstruction, nerve system dysfunction and bronchial hyperresponsiveness.

"Physiopathic changes in spinal structures actually produce an inhibition of nerve impulses. Subjective and clinical findings associated with this syndrome include severe asthma attacks and bronchial asthma."

In our office, we correct the spinal structural issues to improve nerve impulses.

40% of people in developed countries suffer from allergies.

Did you also know, patients under chiropractic care can notice improvements in their allergies as a result of better body function

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Athletic Injury

Chiropractic care and athletes go hand in hand. Not only because athletes sustain injuries that should be taken care of, but because of improved performance.

Many athletes report from golf, to running, to football that chiropractic is a key component in their overall performance.

"Chiropractic is essential for running. If I could put a percentage value on it, I would say that I compete 8-10% better from regular Chiropractic."
Dan O'Brien
Olympic Decathlon Gold Medalist
"As long as I see the Chiropractor, I feel like I am one step ahead of the game."
Tom Brady
7x Super Bowl Champion
" I definitely try to get on a basis where I use chiropractic at least twice a week. I would definitely say it helps me to perform at a higher level."
Emmitt Smith
NFL Hall of Fame
From a health care perspective, the impact on the body is the MOST IMPORTANT reason athletes should see chiropractors. To prevent future complications, keep the body well aligned and performing at its highest level!
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Childhood Disorders

Up to 50% of children with ADHD exhibit motor abnormalities including altered balance and postural abnormalities.

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Sciatica is a condition of the sciatic nerve when it is irritated. The sciatic nerve is the larges and longest nerve in the body branching off of the spinal cord from the low back and traveling all the way down to the foot. Sciatica symptoms can vary in intensity and presentation. The pain does not always travel all the way down the leg.

Stretching and massage can be helpful in alleviating nerve irritation. At Transcend Chiropractic, we look at correcting the root cause of sciatica by restoring proper alignment and body balancing through a precise can gentle chiropractic method called NUCCA.

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Postural Imbalances

Feeling a little off? Head tilting off to the side? Noticing one side of the body is more flexible than the other?

According to the American Journal of Main Management, "posture affects and moderates every physiological function, from breathing to nervous system function, and despite the considerable evidence that posture affects physiology and function, the significant influence of posture on health is not addressed by most physicians."

At transcend chiropractic, we correct the "root" cause of postural imbalances by going to the source of the problem!

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Millions of people around the world have scoliosis. It's an abnormal condition of spinal alignment. The spine develops a side to side (lateral) curvature instead of lining up straight below the skull. The condition can result in pain, muscle tightness, soreness, stiffness, low self-esteem, deficient quality of breath, various neurologic issues and many other ailments.

Many people with scoliosis know of the importance of spinal health in managing symptoms or preventing further complications.

NUCCA is a safe, natural and non-invasive approach to keeping proper alignment and sustaining pressure off the nervous system so the body can function and feel its best.

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Digestive Disorders

Whether it is excessive bloating, constipation, constant in and out of the bathroom, or abdominal pain, we may be able to help.

Nerves that enter and exit from the mid and low back connect the brain to the digestive system. If those nerves are impinged at any point in their connection, like a game of telephone, the messages (chemical signals) can become altered. This altered signal can be the result of issues in the digestive system.

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Tigeminal Neuralgia

TN is a painful condition of the Trigeminal Nerve which branches from the brainstem and provides sensation to the face, jaw and gums. When the trigeminal nerve is irritated, intense pain of the face, jaw and/or gums may persist. Depending on the severity it may be painful to touch or even make facial expressions. The intensisty can vary through the day or week.

Since the trigeminal nerve originates from the brainstem, NUCCA can be a very gentle and safe procedure to reduce and correct the irritation of the trigeminal nerve. A NUCCA correction takes place directly below the skull with precision to properly restore alignment surrounding the brainstem.

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Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue takes the joy out of everyday activities. Playing with your dog seems to take a lot more energy than it should. Making dinner for yourself may feel imperative. It is easy to lose motivation with the lack of energy to accomplish daily tasks. The extreme tiredness can also be accompanied by other symptoms such as body aches, headaches, vertigo and more. The CDC estimates over 2.5 million people have chronic fatigue.

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Requires Infomation

Musculoskeltal Disorders
Joint Discomfort
Nervous System Disorders
Chronic Pain


Break free from pain, so you can get back to doing the things you love. 
Enjoy a brighter future, and be healthier than you ever thought possible!
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Transcend Chiropractic is a chiropractic office in Knoxville, TN that specializes in a specific upper cervical chiropractic technique called NUCCA. The office was founded by Drs. Connor and Leigh Davis who work together to provide exceptional care for the community. Our gentle and specific methods are utilized for correcting the primary cause of dysfunction in the body.


3026 Tazewell Pike Knoxville, TN 37918


(865) 448-7933

Office Hours

  • Monday
    9:00AM – 12:00PM, 2:00PM – 6:00PM
  • Tuesday 1:00PM – 6:00PM
  • Wednesday - Closed
  • Thursday
    9:00AM – 12:00PM, 2:00PM – 6:00PM
  • Friday 9:00AM – 1:00PM
  • Saturday - Closed
  • Sunday - Closed
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